Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pressure Busts a Pipe and so does Pussy...

Well this will be my first, last, and only blog dedicated to this Tiger Woods tomfoolery. Yes I said tomfoolery!!!

First of all, stop pointing the finger at Tiger. He's just a man who fucked up (albeit 13+ times) nevertheless he fucked up. How many of us have fucked up?

*Let's not all raise our hands at once*

Now what's funny to me is how quickly the media was like "Oh No" and "How Could He" when we know damn well no one is as perfect as they put off. Hell the more perfect they seem the more fucked up they usually tend to be. I.E. Marv Albert...yeah u thought we forgot...NEGATIVE.

Anywho, my point is this, people are mad because their token "Caublinasian" got caught. Not because he was/is a philanderer.

Hell, in all honesty Tiger was careless as hell. This dude should have never been so sloppy, but he's a golfer not a member of Mensa.

Another reason I say lay off of Tiger is because those of us who are NOT high profile celebrities have no idea what it is like to have the power to get whatever we want, whenever we want no matter how good or bad it may be. Now if you were in his shoes what would you do? Especially if you were known as "Tiger, the black geek who plays golf" and then become known as "Tiger, the Caublinasian golf prodigy."

Before that lie falls out of your mouth think about this...He's a multi-millionaire, somewhat comely, and greatness in action. You feeling the power yet? Of course not! You can't even imagine that level of temptation. You see, people like Tiger Woods travel in circles, see and hear things, we can't even fathom.

People want to sit on their high horses of judgment and say what Tiger should or should not have done, when we don't really know him, his wife, or the state of that marriage. People are casting stones when they have as much chaos in their own lives if not more, but since they're insignificant peons they target someone of relevance.

If you want to judge Tiger on something it should be his golf game. We all know he was well on his way to beating Jack Nicklaus' record. So it makes me wonder; is this why the media is badgering him so? Hoping he feels too frustrated to continue on and the record can remain "unblemished"? I hate to play the race card, but it is a thought.

People should not be judged based on their actions in THEIR personal lives just because of their celebrity status. And no, they do not have a public responsibility to act a certain way because they're famous. I do believe the media is just jealous because the rich have bank accounts that speak a language unbeknownst to them. Trust me, I don't speak that language either and I'm not tripping. I could care less.

I just think it's funny. Especially these dumb broads who are "coming forward" about their affair. They are NOT victims!!! I mean seriously, who the fuck are you, and what do you have to gain? Oh that 15 minutes of fame then you go back into obscurity. Those are the people we should be treating like the plague. I mean what is their claim to fame? Sucking a famous dick? Get the fuck outta here. And didn't one of these simple-simons say she didn't know he was married? Seriously? Are you smarter than a 5th grader, because you are not the Valedictorian. My only question for Tiger is "Is this the best you could do?"

Something else that bothers me, is how everyone keeps saying "he was a role model..." That just irks the hell outta me. Charles Barkley said it best..."I AM NOT A ROLE MODEL AND IF YOU WANT ONE BE ONE YOURSELVES!!!!!" That is the realest statement ever. Stop letting someone else be an example for others to follow, YOU be one. See how that shit feels.

SN: Dear Black Men,
White women whip ass and tear up your shit too. Just ask Tiger!!